Every returning Cru student is invited to come back to campus for "Cru Restart Weekend!" It's the weekend before classes resume.
We will begin with a lakeside party and cookout Friday evening at the Feddema Lake House on Gun Lake (North of Kalamazoo). Swimming, kayaking, water volleyball, etc 4pm-6pm. Cookout and program at 6pm.
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday there will be:
-times to connect
-Friday Dinner, Saturday Lunch, and Sunday Lunch provided.
-preparation for Cru Fall Welcome events
-fun together!
The Annual Cru Root Beer Kegger will be on Sunday evening. Monday morning we will all take extended time with God to start the year off focusing on Him. The rest of the week we will put on Cru's Fall Welcome Outreach events leading up to our Cru Kickoff on Thursday, August 29!
The Cru Restart Weekend will all take place in Kalamazoo, so we can be ready for Fall Welcome outreach at WMU. (You can stay at your own place in Kzoo or crash at a friends' place for a few days. If you need housing help, let us know.)
Please register at the link below so we will know how many students to expect. Cost is $9. (to cover four meals) But if money is tight, let us know. There are scholarships available.
Make plans now to move back to town by Friday, August 23, and be ready for a weekend together of fun and mission.